By GI Korea on March 13th, 2007 at 6:03 am
Why are Koreans Rude? » by GI Korea in: Korean Culture (ROK Drop )
MAESTRA VIAJES- www.untvweb.com
11:30 pm on January 16th, 2010 306 I just discover this site and I almost read all the comments. I took masters in Language Education. So, I am a freelance English tutor for foreigners specially Koreans ON LINE / one-on-one and I am involve http://www.untvweb.com. as talent. For more than 2 years of teaching them…I would say that there are few who are rude but most of them that I handled are very nice. As a matter of fact, few of them treated and call me 2nd mommy or lovely teacher. We should first entrench why they behave like that. Perhaps, because of ignorance, stress, immaturity or precipitate reaction. It happens too to some of us. So why not, take a broader view. Korea is just small like other Asian countries, wise and there are lots of them who are wonderful like my Korean classmate, students and their family. kkkkkkk
As we were taught by our church leader:
All creatures great and small; All things wise and wonderful; The Best Lord made them all! ( read more...:
Mike Ebertz (NEGATIVE)
January 17th, 2010 at 12:24 am
Of course you would say that. You are Korean. I can tell by your weak English and your use of kkkkkk. Only Koreans use that to represent laughter. You also mention church leader. That sounds like mindless Korean Christianity sect stuff to me. Your opinion is invalid. Sorry.
January 17th, 2010 at 3:15 am
C’mon you can not invalidate this persons opinion any more than I can validate yours, and you can only guess what race they are even if it did matter. It is to the individual to reveal their race if they care to. Personally I don’t see what it matters what race this person is anyway. After all we are all human with exception of those who feel they are not. Wow now we have God telling someone their opinion is unimportant, and then telling the same what race they are. Good news, narcissistic behavior can be cured with much inner thought and meditation.
MAESTRA VIAJES- www.untvweb.com (POSITIVE)
10:46 am on January 17th, 2010 308 • MikeEbertz
January 17th, 2010 at 12:24 am
Mike said, • "Of course you would say that. You are Korean. I can tell by your weak English and your use of kkkkkk. Only Koreans use that to represent laughter. You also mention church leader. That sounds like mindless Korean Christianity sect stuff to me. Your opinion is invalid. Sorry."
Yes,MIke of course, I will say it. Whatever nationality or country they belong and are being attack negatively,unfairly and defenseless. I will care for…even European, African, Chinese, Japanese,Mexican, Arabian, Filipino …etc , you name it. Because it is my faith that we just came from one parent; therefore, we are brothers and sisters that should understand, respect, support and love each other regardless of nationality. Unless, you are an enemy of truth and friend of Satan…I will not care even you set off to where you belong…hell.
As it was explained by: ( Bro. Eli Soriano in his blog – http://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/08/10/my-god-is-a-god-for-all-colors/ : ….God is not a respecter of persons, but also ‘not a respecter of colors’ — or of human skin. Actually, if we are going to peel off our skin, there is a glaring truth that we will discover under our skin: We, the entire human race (black, white, yellow, red, and brown), are all biological brothers and sisters. We all have the same chemical and biological components that make us human.) http://www.theindependent-bd.com/details.php?nid=15000
You stated that, “…sounds mindless Korean Christianity to me…” You mean that if a person believes in God it sounds mindless to you? Who created you? Ah, most probably, Satan. Because only an evil mind will and your kind will say that.
You are commenting that my English is weak and I am Korean because I used “kkkkkkk”.????
I sent an email to abroad and my opening is, “Bonjour. Comment vas-tu?”
I chat with brethren in another country and I said, “Buenos dias. Como le va? Habla usted Ingles?
And I greeted one of our professors, and I responded when she asked me about…and I said, “Ja Professor. Aber ich vergaß die meisten Ausdrücke. Ist das richtig?
I am a frelance tourguide too so; I mingled and traveled to a lot of foreigners in my own country.
Then, because I just used the expression, kkkkkk??? You already concluded that I am Korean?
And what strong English is for you? Posting like a nobel? Or using bad words like, shit?
What kind of animal dung your brain composed of?
Marcus Ambrose (NEGATIVE)
January 17th, 2010 at 2:56 pm
Mike, Good job. It looks like you got it right.
MAESTRA VIAJES- www.untvweb.com (POSITIVE)
8:14 pm on January 17th, 2010 309 •
Marcus Ambrose
January 17th, 2010 at 2:56 pm
To Marcus:
What is right about his statement? When he said that (Korea), “It is a country that has 3000 times the amount of fraud cases as Japan because lying to get what one wants is as part of their lives as breathing or because I believe in God and that we belong to one family from the beginning? ” That I am Korean because I used,” kkkkkkk”?
How if I use yours like: Hey, Marcus…for the gazillionth time you said a lot of “yackety schmackety, blah, blah, blah”, before and GOOD. And now I found zilch, zero, zippo, nil, nada and null. Sheesh! It’s a big whoopdedoo when you can’t even remember where the gosh diddly darned your head now, whaddyacallit is! Read my lips, “Tell Mike, DON’T GENERALIZED”!!!!. It also happened anywhere!
Now, perhaps, he will think I ‘m American. Huh!!!
Marcus Ambrose (NEGATIVE)
January 18th, 2010 at 3:56 pm
That you are full of crap and your comments are to be disregarded.
MAESTRA VIAJES- www.untvweb.com (POSITIVE)
2:47 am on January 19th, 2010 310
As I read in BRO. ELI SORIANO’s BLOG :
My God is a God for All Colors
2007 August 10
“But it is an undeniable fact that God uses colors, and there is wisdom behind it. The colors of flowers attract bees and butterflies to help in the process of pollination.
But the color of human skin has nothing to do with the perceived superiority of one race above another. What matters most is their fear of God.”
Therefore, MR. MARCUS, MR. MIKE and the rest posting negative against other countries:
Throwing out of mud with each other doesn’t help anybody!
Therefore, stop your nonses empty crap remarks too.
MAESTRA VIAJES- www.untvweb.com (POSITIVE)
3:28 am on January 19th, 2010 312
There are places on earth which can be considered hostile to live in, physically and spiritually: Physically, because they are plagued with crime and moral decadence; and spiritually because … ( read more… http://esoriano.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/where-can-there-be-more-evil/
To: Mr. Marcus,
Even in the country where you, Mr. Marcus, Mr. Mike and the rest of judgmental, racist and with the attitude of generalizing people, there are good and evil!!! Nail that to your head.
to be continued...